Francisco O. Borges

PhD | Marine Ecologist


a list of my work published in international, peer-reviewed jornals

Transgenerational exposure to deoxygenation and warming disrupts mate-detection in Gammarus locusta

Beatriz P. Pereira, Simon Neff, Francisco O. Borges, E. Otjacques, G. Barreto, Maddalena Ranucci, Mélanie Court, R. Rosa, T. Repolho, J. Paula

bioRxiv, 2023

Climate-change impacts on Cephalopods: a meta-analysis.

Francisco O. Borges, Eduardo Sampaio, Catarina P. Santos, R. Rosa

Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2023

Future distribution patterns of cuttlefishes under climate change

Miguel Guerreiro, Francisco Oliveira Borges, Catarina Pereira Santos, Rui Rosa


Gymnodinium catenatum paralytic shellfish toxin production and photobiological responses under marine heat waves

Vanessa M Lopes, M{\'e}lanie Court, Martim Costa Seco, Francisco O Borges, Bernardo Vicente, Sandra Lage, Ana Catarina Braga, Bernardo Duarte, Catarina Fraz{\~a}o Santos, Ana Amorim, others

Toxins, vol. 15, MDPI, 2023, p. 157

Impact of climate change on the distribution and habitat suitability of the world’s main commercial squids

M. Guerreiro, Francisco O. Borges, Catarina Pereira Santos, J. Xavier, H. Hoving, R. Rosa

Marine Biology, 2023

Future distribution patterns of nine cuttlefish species under climate change

Miguel Fernandes Guerreiro, Francisco Oliveira Borges, Catarina Pereira Santos, Rui Rosa

Marine Biology, 2023

Gymnodinium catenatum Paralytic Shellfish Toxin Production and Photobiological Responses under Marine Heat Waves

V. Lopes, Mélanie Court, Martim Costa Seco, Francisco O. Borges, B. Vicente, Sandra Lage, A. C. Braga, B. Duarte, C. F. Santos, A. Amorim, P. Costa, R. Rosa

Toxins, 2023

Impacts of Climate Change Impacts on the Biogeography of three Amnesic Shellfish Toxin-producing Diatom species

Francisco O Borges, Vanessa M Lopes, Catarina Fraz{\~a}o Santos, Pedro Reis Costa, Rui Rosa


Impacts of low oxygen on marine life: neglected, but a crucial priority for research

Francisco O Borges, Eduardo Sampaio, Catarina P Santos, Rui Rosa

The Biological Bulletin, vol. 243, The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL, 2022, pp. 104--119

Impacts of Low Oxygen on Marine Life: Neglected, but a Crucial Priority for Research

Francisco O. Borges, E. Sampaio, Catarina P. Santos, R. Rosa

The Biological Bulletin, 2022

Projecting future climate change impacts on the distribution of the ‘Octopus vulgaris species complex’

Francisco O. Borges, M. Guerreiro, Catarina P. Santos, J. Paula, R. Rosa

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022

Integrative Approaches to Understanding Organismal Responses to Aquatic Deoxygenation

H. Woods, A. Moran, David Atkinson, A. Audzijonyte, M. Berenbrink, Francisco O. Borges, K. Burnett, L. Burnett, C. Coates, R. Collin, E. Costa-Paiva, Murray I Duncan, R. Ern, E. Laetz, L. Levin, Max Lindmark, Noelle M Lucey, L. McCormick, J. Pierson, Rui Rosa, M. Roman, Eduardo Sampaio, P. Schulte, E. Sperling, A. Walczyńska, W. Verberk

The Biological Bulletin, 2022

Integrative approaches to understanding organismal responses to aquatic deoxygenation

H Arthur Woods, Amy L Moran, David Atkinson, Asta Audzijonyte, Michael Berenbrink, Francisco O Borges, Karen G Burnett, Louis E Burnett, Christopher J Coates, Rachel Collin, others

The Biological Bulletin, vol. 243, The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL, 2022, pp. 85--103

Invasion and extirpation potential of native and invasive Spartina species under climate change

Francisco O Borges, Catarina Da Concei{\c{c}}{\~a}o Pereira Santos, Jos{\'e} Ricardo Paula, Enrique Mateos-Naranjo, Susana Redondo-G{\'o}mez, Janine Barbara Adams, Isabel Ca{\c{c}}ador, Vanessa F Fonseca, Patrick Reis-Santos, Bernardo Duarte, others

Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers, 2021, p. 1157

Assessing the Behavioural Responses of Small Cetaceans to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 156

J Castro, FO Borges, A Cid, MI Laborde, R Rosa, HC Pearson

s Note: MDPI stays neu-tral with regard to jurisdictional clai-ms in~…, 2021

Elasmobranch Responses to Experimental Warming, Acidification, and Oxygen Loss—A Meta-Analysis

Catarina P. Santos, E. Sampaio, Beatriz P. Pereira, M. Pegado, Francisco O. Borges, Carolyn R. Wheeler, I. Bouyoucos, J. Rummer, C. Frazão Santos, R. Rosa

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021

Invasion and Extirpation Potential of Native and Invasive Spartina Species Under Climate Change

Francisco O. Borges, Catarina P. Santos, J. Paula, E. Mateos-Naranjo, S. Redondo-Gómez, J. Adams, I. Caçador, V. Fonseca, P. Reis-Santos, B. Duarte, Rui Rosa

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021

Assessing the Behavioural Responses of Small Cetaceans to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

J. Castro, Francisco O. Borges, A. Cid, M. Laborde, R. Rosa, H. Pearson

Remote Sensing, 2021

Elasmobranch responses to experimental warming, acidification, and oxygen loss—a meta-analysis

Catarina Pereira Santos, Eduardo Sampaio, Beatriz P Pereira, Maria Rita Pegado, Francisco O Borges, Carolyn R Wheeler, Ian A Bouyoucos, Jodie L Rummer, Catarina Frazao Santos, Rui Rosa

Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers, 2021, p. 1380

Oceanographic determinants of the abundance of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the south of Portugal

Joana Castro, Ana Couto, Francisco O Borges, Andr{\'e} Cid, Marina I Laborde, Heidi C Pearson, Rui Rosa

Oceans, vol. 1, MDPI, 2020, p. 12

Oceanographic Determinants of the Abundance of Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the South of Portugal

J. Castro, A. Couto, Francisco O. Borges, A. Cid, M. Laborde, H. Pearson, R. Rosa

Oceans, 2020

Transgenerational exposure to ocean acidification induces biochemical distress in a keystone amphipod species (Gammarus locusta)

A. Lopes, Francisco O. Borges, Cátia Figueiredo, E. Sampaio, M. Diniz, R. Rosa, T. Grilo

Environmental Research, 2019

First indication of deleterious impacts in white-seabream larvae (Diplodus sargus) survival and behaviour following acute venlafaxine exposure

A. Rodrigues, Francisco O. Borges, Vasco Pissarra, Ana Luísa Maulvault, J. Paula, Regina Bispo, R. Rosa

Ecotoxicology, 2019

Ocean warming and acidification may challenge the riverward migration of glass eels

Francisco O. Borges, Catarina P. Santos, E. Sampaio, Cátia Figueiredo, J. Paula, C. Antunes, R. Rosa, T. Grilo

Biology Letters, 2019

Global patterns of species richness in coastal cephalopods

Rui Rosa, Vasco Pissarra, Francisco O Borges, Jos{\'e} Xavier, Ian G Gleadall, Alexey Golikov, Giambattista Bello, Liliane Morais, Fedor Lishchenko, {\'A}lvaro Roura, others

Frontiers in Marine Science, Frontiers, 2019, p. 469

Global Patterns of Species Richness in Coastal Cephalopods

R. Rosa, Vasco Pissarra, Francisco O. Borges, J. Xavier, I. Gleadall, A. Golikov, G. Bello, Liliane Morais, F. Lishchenko, Á. Roura, H. Judkins, C. Ibáñez, U. Piatkowski, M. Vecchione, R. Villanueva

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2019

Transgenerational deleterious effects of ocean acidification on the reproductive success of a keystone crustacean (Gammarus locusta)

Francisco O Borges, C{\'a}tia Figueiredo, Eduardo Sampaio, Rui Rosa, Tiago F Grilo

Marine environmental research, vol. 138, Elsevier, 2018, pp. 55--64

Transgenerational deleterious effects of ocean acidification on the reproductive success of a keystone crustacean (Gammarus locusta).

Francisco O. Borges, Cátia Figueiredo, E. Sampaio, R. Rosa, T. Grilo

Marine Environmental Research, 2018

Global patterns of coastal cephalopod richness: hotspots and latitudinal gradients

R. Rosa, Vasco Pissarra, Regina Bispo, Francisco O. Borges, J. Xavier, L. C. Martins, I. Gleadall, A. Golikov, F. Lishchenko, Á. Roura, H. Judkins, U. Piatkowski, M. Vecchione, R. Villanueva